Name: ZYGMUNT MIŁOSZEWSKI Author of: ENTANGLEMENT (2010)                  A GRAIN OF TRUTH (2012)                  RAGE (2016) There are no schools or universities for writers. Well, there probably are some institutions out there that con people into believing they can be taught how to write, but the only school of writing worth mentioning is every writer’s […]

Read More INFLUENCES: The Writer’s Bookshelf by ZYGMUNT MIŁOSZEWSKI

RAGE by Zygmunt Miłoszewski

RAGE Zygmunt Miłoszewski Translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones AmazonCrossing ( £8.99 The discovery of a skeleton in a construction site in the historic Polish city of Olsztyn brings Prosecutor Teodor Szacki into the spotlight when it is discovered that the bones are fresh, the rest of the body chemically dissolved. Identifying the remains proves relatively easy, […]

Read More RAGE by Zygmunt Miłoszewski